Friday, August 26, 2011

Take some time to Celebrate being and loving you!

Sometimes in life we forget about the most important person, OURSELF! When we get overworked, overwhelmed or just had a rough day; we forget to give back to ourselves. When we take things personal, it can cause a breakdown into a personal area that has nothing to do with the matter at hand. When we have a bad day, or we take on more then we can handle, again leading to an emotional/mental personal breakdown. We often forget that no matter what has happened we made it through, and we owe ourself that much to love on ourself for not giving up, and pushing through. Being selfish is often frowned upon when I believe its perfectly healthy if you do it in a humble self-loving manner. When we are selfish for all the right reasons, it means you are completely self aware and love who you are including all your flaws. And when we do love ourselves, it shows and people around you can tell. It also allows you to let others in, and love you just as much. We often fear what we don't know, and most the time its with other people, however I bet there's a lot you don't know about yourself. Sometimes we do things that we don't really like but we do them to fit in, or feel admired, even though deep down all it makes you feel is meeeehh. Anytime your in doubt, angry, sad, or feeling lost take some time to celebrate you, love you, focus on what makes you smile just by thinking about it. Love yourself, and watch how different your view of life will change. Celebrate you and all you've done, all you want to do, and all you have to offer, because you are more then worth it, and definitely deserve it! You will become confident, not cocky, but confident in every aspect of your life. You will find the will, the inner power, and higher energy to do anything and everything you could ever want. Because you simply decided to love yourself. And just remember at the end of the day, the only person your going to have is you, so love you. If you are sitting here reading this saying, but I don't like this, or that, then its okay I have the ultimate solution.. ready... decide to change it, put action in your feelings and do something about it. You would never believe how awesome you feel once you start to see results, and you will see them almost immediately! Poke your head in the bathroom take a look in the mirror and say I love you because.... and you'll probably feel silly but it doesn't matter. Instead of pointing out what you don't like make a list of things you do like. Take a walk and think of all your accomplishments, big or small doesn't matter just acknowledge and admire yourself for it. It will be like putting on a completely different set of lenses, and seeing crystal clear, way more then you ever thought possible. Self-love is important it will allow you to find your happy place, you'll feel like your on top of the world, with the most amazing view!

"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

This post is dedicated to a very special person in my life whom has always supported everything that i've ever wanted to do. She is the most amazing beautiful strong women I have ever known. She has and continues to teach me how amazing life is, and to do whatever your heart desires no matter how crazy it might seem to someone else, follow your dreams into reality. Work hard and exhaust all your options, and don't let "No" be one of them. But to also keep in mind that we don't live to work, we work to live, and we should enjoy life and all it has to offer. The biggest part is to love yourself, allow yourself to be great especially in your own eyes!
Love You!

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