Sunday, August 7, 2011

Break Downs are Healthy

I use to be the type of person that I would hold everyone in, and just cover it all up with a fake smile, and I thought I was fooling everyone. But when someone isn't genuinely happy everyone can tell, more then you can even tell. And the one person that covering up harms more then anyone is yourself! I still tend to keep things in a little and then have little mini break downs, which normally people think is bad, but I strongly disagree! Sometimes, you need to completely break down, and exaggerate how you feel, because when its in your head you can justify it, and make excuses, and over analyze. When you break down, and exaggerate the feeling you can really see how much of its not a big deal and how silly it all is. The beauty of a break down is that you get to build yourself right back up, you get to create whatever you want without the bullsh*t in your head. You get to focus on you, and just you. You can tweak, tune up, or even upgrade anything you really want, and regardless of  what your belief system says now.. You have the inner power to let go of whatever you want. I have mini break downs almost once every couple of weeks, whether it's because I second guess myself, or I get a sneak attack and smacked upside with head with something that I wouldn't even think would have an effect on me. There are tons of reasons why people break down. Because of Avatar I am more self- aware of why I do the things I do. say or feel. I have awesome friends and family who let me break down and exaggerate the feeling until I realize how absurd and ridiculous I was being in the first place. Stress, and depression only damages the body. But if you have nothing to fight for you will stand for anything and everything. Those who don't know what real happiness is has no idea what's worth fighting for. Breakdowns aren't always so healthy though,  they can emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive, and draining. I did it for years, and I woke up and said enough is enough I don't want to live like this anymore, I want to smile from inside out. Everyone deserves to be happy, and its possible in more then one way.
'Every Moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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