Friday, August 19, 2011

Communication is Key

Some people don't realize home important communication is, well for those of you who don't let me break it down for you. Communication is one of the bodies most vital signs, think about it people use all day everyday. We forget how important it is because we do it all the time. Sometimes we forget the most important parts about communication: ITS NOT WHAT YOU SAY BUT HOW YOU SAY IT. Most of American doesn't understand this concept. I didn't either for a while, I was very defensive and thought that if people knew I was serious then the message would be clear. Instead I wasn't someone anyone wanted to deal with, I was someone people walked on eggshells around. When you deliver a message whether it's a good or bad message you should be completely 100% clear on what it is that your trying to get across. You can say one thing, but without a clear delivery it will get transmitted as something else. A lot of times, without even knowing your doing so, I am completely guilty of this, we give off a certain attitude. It is very easy to take on someone else energy, and without realizing yet again pass that on. Now you have completely missed the message, and you picked up someone else's bad day, and before you know it your giving it to someone else. It is an endless cycle for the rest of the day, you take something personal when it has nothing to do with you. Perfect example is when you go out to eat, or the DMV and you deal with not such a pleasant person. You feel their attitude right away, and can't understand what their problem is. Immediately you take it personal, instead of thinking" wow, this persons having a really bad day I hope okay" and realize that yo everythings ur probably not the first one they've treated like this today nor will you be the last. Yes, it's true one person can change another ones day all it takes is a smile, and some kindness! Have you ever heard the expression kill them with kindness, even though it may not work with bullies all the time, when you feel like someone is being rude or mean, kill them with kindness you have nothing to loose. Another example is when your trying to explain to someone how you feel, whether is a relative, friend, significant other, I am the type of person I wear my emotions on my face. I do it and have no idea I'm doing it so it's very hard for me to fool someone how I feel. But !!! It's not always a bad thing, because its a part of feeling your emotion, it's a body reaction, just like laughing!  More people appreciate the truth, whether it sucks or not is not the importance. But most people are also afraid of the truth and how others will take it, when in all reality when you say it with sincerity, their initial reaction might not be so great, but in the long run they will appreciate the truth. Again its all in your delivery!!!! When you shift your own delivery you will be shocked to see the how your reaction shifts as well. Which goes with the saying "why burn bridges when you can keep building?" Just because the situation might suck don't kill the messenger. Take a look at the bigger picture and find the lesson within. And again it's easy to get distracted from the bigger picture when its all blurry. Say what you mean and mean what you say, just make sure your delivery is not counter-acting what you are trying to get across. So just remember be aware of how you say it !
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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