Monday, August 1, 2011

Pursue what makes you happy, not just what will make you money

There are a lot of people who go to school for something they believe will make them money instead of what they are truly passionate about. They think that because of the money they will learn to love it, which in some cases may work just fine, but not most. People believe that money makes them happy, instead of realizing that they themselves should be making them happy. When you do something you love, that you are so super passionate about you, something that you enjoy doing everyday, it won't even feel like work. When you pursue your passion, for all the right reasons of course, everything else will fall in place. As a young adult, I asked all the time "What do you want to do for a living?" then the follow question is, "What's the income in that career?", "Could you see yourself doing that for the rest of your life?" Call me crazy but there is no concrete rule that I have to do one thing for the rest of my life. Yes, you do want stability in your life and have a career would be apart of your foundation, however its your life and you can choose how you work it which ever which way that is. You can not be worried about money, or anything higher then what makes you happy. When you do something you love, you will make money. You will create everything you need as long as you are passionate about it no matter what field it is, you could take it world wide. Some of you are laughing right now, which is fine, but have more faith in yourself. Think about it, why settle for something that you could just be good at? because it makes oodles of money?? Is your happiness controlled by money??? Would you rather look back in ten years knowing you tried and gave it everything you had, or that you settled for something for the wrong reasons? Instead of giving it all you had and living everyday doing something your passionate about for something that makes great money but you hate doing?? Instead of looking at it like what would be a better end result, look at like as though you will make the end result, you will take it as far as you want to, and make it as big as you want to. Happiness is the best place on earth, once you find where yours is , I can promise you, you will never want to leave and you will do whatever it takes to stay. That mindset will take your passion to a whole new level. You don't want to be the unhappy lady at the DMV, who always seems to have a bad day because she dreads coming to work! Pursue what makes you happy, what your passion is, something that allows you to share your happiness with others, and everything else will work itself out. All you can do is try, give it your all, your best effort, if for whatever reason it does not workout, the most you have lost is ... hmm I can't think of anything. Do what you love.. why wouldn't you want to?? Do what makes you happy!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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