Thursday, August 4, 2011

With Self-motivation you will find Self-re-creation :)

Have you ever been in a really down mood, and just wanted ice cream? or had a really crappy day and just wanted to go home and order out? If you have... you are not alone, in fact no where near it! For years, I used food as my crutch, Hi! my name is Mellissa and I am an Emotional Eater, food of choice would be any comfort food (FRIED YUMMY GOODNESS, OR AWESOME ICE CREAM) . I never realized it through the years, what I was actually doing to my body and how much it had effected me. As a young girl growing up I always saw myself bigger then all the other girls, and was always told that if I lost weight I would be so much happier and it would push me further in life. Even though they were beliefs set up through family, I fully believed it none the less. I was never motivated to actually change it, in fact I would rebel more and more each year as I got older. I was never happy with the way I looked, and it took a toll on how I treated myself and others without even noticing it. I would cover up whatever I was feeling with food, knowing that I already wasn't happy with myself. It was my belief that I was never going to get skinnier, and I was right because I wasn't being active I wasn't doing anything about it. But over years and years, and gaining a substantial amount of weight, my attitude above others had gotten to an ultimate low point where I just didn't want to do anything, go anywhere, was afraid of meeting new people ect. I became so incredibly defensive, and would just snap at anything I didn't agree with, and take almost everything so personal, let it break me down and wear me out. I would settle for guys who treated me just as bad as I treated myself.   I would push those away who wanted to help me, but I wasn't ready to hear it so I would be overly disrespectful. At one point, I blamed it so much on Society and then I justified my weight because I didn't want to look like everyone else, or I wanted to rebel against those who made it seem so superficial then past skin deep. It was a toxic cycle and I was not able to step out of it. Now through the gifts and tools I've been given through Avatar, I have found a higher self motivation. At first it was all about I wanted to look better, but due to a change in diet and a new work out regiment I found an even higher power of happiness. I find that eating healthy and being active has shifted my perception even more! It has become the want and need to be healthy and to treat my body better then I ever have. Instead of emotional eating, I put my emotions into something productive now. It could be working out, or writing it through a blog, whatever I choose, I make sure its healthy. And even though I have made progress I'm no where near my goal weight, but the point is that I'm getting there. My whole attitude has change, I feel so much better after I work out or eat my veggies apposed to just sitting in my room eating fried foods or candy and watching a movie. Being an emotional eater took more out of me then I could of ever imagined. I never wanted to be that neurotic girl counting calories, but that was just a different way of looking at it. Now, I am more aware of what fuels my body instead of pollutes it. I am so much happier, and feel so empowered to keep with it because of the results. Feeling happy emotionally, mentally and physically was something I thought would be close to impossible, but I have yet again proven myself wrong which means I am capable of doing just about anything I set my mind to. People have noticed the shift change in myself, and I have noticed the shift in those around me. The cause and effect action has been awesome. Although, it is a constant battle not to cheat on my diet, or to just be lazy and not work out, pushing myself and saying no, has never felt this great. Point being that it is so important to make sure we keep ourselves healthy. When you take care of yourself, you feel better about yourself, and it will show and others will treat you accordingly. IT IS NOT ABOUT LOOKS!!!!!  ITS ABOUT FEELING CONFIDENT IN WHO YOU ARE!!!!! If you want others to respect you, respect yourself. If you want others to treat you well, be self and treat yourself first. In order for anyone else to love you, you need to love yourself first. But above all you have to want to do it. You cannot absolutely under no circumstances do it for anyone besides yourself, you will never stick to it, and above all you will never be able to reap the full benefits. Being able to push through when it feels like I have no energy or umpgh to give, and really challenge myself, is such an empowering emotion, and its so addicting to love yourself after that.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world." Harry Palmer

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