Thursday, August 11, 2011

It will all happen when you least expect it!

For years I thought that I was broken and damaged and a complete mess. Well by me believing that, thats exactly what type of vibes I gave off. I shut people out, judged them before I really got to meet them. Now I wonder how many awesome people I pushed away... I always wanted someone who was going to take care of me they way I have others all my life and care because they want to and not because I was an obligation. What i learned is that I was damaged because I allowed people to break me down and walk all over me. Through Avatar I got to create a whole new upgraded happier version of my former self. It wasn't easy to take responsibility and not be the victim but once I started pointing out the things I didn't like in myself I learned they wouldn't be hard to change! I live a much happier and healthier life, and the truth is when you love yourself it becomes contagious, and everyone will shift around you. It will all happen in time, and you need to give yourself time to heel and re-create. But the main and most important part of all of this is to realize that it is possible, in-fact anything is possible when you decide it is. When you allow yourself to break down in a healthy way you learn more about yourself and what you think you want isn't at all what you really want. My whole life is in different colors, and finally seeing things for what they really are, enriches everything. I have more motivation to better myself and push myself forward. I also met someone who makes it really easy to be me, and smiling has become natural. It just comes to show when you treat your life better, life will treat you. I have had a really not so great past, where I allowed others to completely change me, or make me feel really bad about myself. It was abusive in every which way, emotionally, mentally, physically. But I have finally been able to let it go, and realize that it doesn't define me at all but I am who am I today because of all the crap I went through. You learned to always look at the glass half full! and when you least expect it, someone else will help fill it up! Everyone deserves to be happy, so stop over-thinking everything, stop holding yourself back from being happy, let the past go and learn from it. Because when you least expect it, it will happen, and when it does happen you will appreciate it that much more!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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