Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You have the choice to make or break any situation

Have you ever been to the eye doctor?? those of you who have perfect vision congratulations, I will try and paint a visual picture for you. When you go to the optometrist ( eye doctor ) and you tell him you are having trouble seeing he sets you up in a chair with a machine where you look through a variation of lenses to enrich your sight. "Is it better in lens one, or two.. one, or two" and will go for about ten minutes back and forth going through different lenses, making up a combination to correct your vision. Then end result is different for everyone, meaning everyone sees things in different shapes, sizes, colors overall vision in general. Two people can look at the same object and see them in completely different lights. We choose to look at the cup half full or half empty, we choose to taste things bitter or sweet manner. All these analogies are the same for everyday life. The way we carry ourselves has a lot to do with how we perceive views and beliefs. The beauty of our mind is that you have the ultimate power to change that and see things in a "half full", and "sweeter" way of life. In life things may not always be what them seem nine times out of ten they are not what we really see them as. Generally in today's society we are afraid of things/ people that are different, strange, because its not normal to us. But who and where says what is and what isn't normal. We have the power to create our own lenses and how we perceive  things in life. And since I have change my personal prescription all together, I can't imagine life in any other light. It is so peaceful and breathtaking, to be able to be fully aware and embrace everything and everyone around me. Since then I have learned something new everyday, maybe its something about myself, maybe its something about others or how the world works. Why stress and get angry when that gets you absolutely no where. When we get stuck in that dark abyss that "No one understands!" or " It's just not fair!" "why me!" It takes more energy feeling down and trying to cover up the rawness then to just let it be, and if there is a situation that arises from a dark or mysterious place, pick up a new pair of lenses and try and indulge yourself in the bigger picture. You will be shocked to find the solution isn't all that serious to be in "crisis mode". A huge weight will vanish from your shoulders, and peaceful happy place will take over like a real life plague. Don't let anyone, any situation break you when you can look at it as an opportunity to make you. So try on a new pair of lenses and if you aren't seeing clear enough change the prescription, you can repeat this process until those unnecessary headaches go away. Your ultimate goal should be to create your own happiness and if you can not see clearly through a difficult situation, change prescriptions. Create your own happiness, let it shine through, and it will become addicting to others around.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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