Saturday, August 6, 2011

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

If anything really would be a possibility, knowing you wouldn't fail what would you do? What really stops up for pushing forward? What ultimately holds us back from what we want out of life? Parents always say.. " You can do anything you set your mind to!" But then as we grow up, they start to put limitations on what feels like everything and anything. Sometimes okay okay, most of the time, parents know best and they limit us from either making wginormous mistakes, or from getting hurt. But against their better judgement we normally do it anyway. In doing so, we choose to find out what happens, we take the risk anyway. However, when you get older a majority of the people are to afraid to take risk, and really go for what they want. It is set up in our mind that without money, or a plan of attack, and back up we really won't get very far. But instead of leaping, we need to learn how to make steps, this way we are still moving forward, and still being safe. You can easily still do whatever you want to do, you can make anything happen. And should not limit yourself because you don't know where to start. Unfortunately in todays world money talks, and if you don't have the correct amount we're told to take a walk. But I would much rather be told that anything is possible and with the right steps forward I will be able to make it anywhere. I would like to think that my dreams are plans for the future no matter how small or big they might be. Do not shut yourself down from being great, or making a difference. You don't want to wake up one day and think " I wonder if I... what would of been". What does it even really mean to fail? In school it means you don't move forward and/or graduate up, but in life there is no limit to how many attempts we really have. We set up our own limitations, of course those who bet all they have the first time and loose, may have a harder second attempt but they still have that second attempt. Seeing is not believing if you can believe it you better bet you can see it in what ever light and colors your imagination will let you. I started this blog because I have this dream plan of starting a movement, sure I could do other things with my life and probably make oodles of money, but I would compromise my happiness, SOMETHING I REFUSE TO DO! once you find your happiness, I can promise you will never want to let it go, it will become your love that you fight for, that you would kill for. Know that not failing is an option, make it your only option. Broaden your horizon, open up your eyes, and always follow your heart.
"Every moment you are happy is gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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