Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Be Primary with your Life, No Limitations, No Secondaries, Just you!

I would first like to apologize for not being very current, I had just finished my Masters Course through Avatar, and needed time to prepare and time for the course itself! It was an amazing course, and I was able to really peel off some tough exterior that ran deep into my heart. I am so very proud to say that I am now a Master, yet still a student in learning more and more about myself. With all this being said lets jump right back into it. I would like to acknowledge all of you that take time to read my blog, and I appreciate you for being a loving individual. One of the biggest lesson's I learned while being at Masters is that I don't have to try so hard to give because I am a naturally genuine giver, and instead of questioning how other receive my generosity is not my concern. I give because it makes me feel good, but it didn't always use to be that way. I use to give because I felt guilty by not giving I felt guilty because I was once told that I had abandoned my family, so the want and need to be there for everyone was extremely high. I always felt like I could never do enough, never give enough, I was to much in my head. I myself was afraid to feel, I thought if I could figure it out and it would just go away, but the truth is no matter how you handle it if you don't handle your feelings nothing really gets fixed. A wise woman once told me in a relationship whether its friend, family or spouse, take 100% responsibility for how you feel and the relationship and 0 expectations for the other person. If and when the other person takes 1% responsibility you would feel good and happy, 5% you would feel amazing! 15% you would feel loved! Now imagine that person turns around and says I take 100% responsibility for my feelings and the relationship and no expectations of you, now you have 200% responsibility and still 0 expectations. Expectations, Limitations, Secondaries are all happening however they don't need to, they set you back in what you want and your ambition to make it happen. My Secondaries are always about money, love and just being enough. The truth of the matter is I am more then enough, I am learning how to love myself and if I want  it bad enough I will manifest the money because I create it all. Technically I can do anything I want to, I can create whatever I want, and I can decide to do something about it or nothing about it. Stay Primary in what you want, be specific and put it out into the world, the universe is very kinda and giving as well, and it will give you want you need. Just remember to stay primary, keep you as your main concern love you, take care of you. Do not set limitations for yourself this is called self sabotage!!! BAD!! BAD!!! VERY VERY BAD!!!! you can do anything you want, you can create anything you want and you can decide to actually do something about it!! DO NOT SETTLE, go beyond your own limitations and really push for what you want! why settle or even be unhappy when those don't even need to be an option.
lets reset this wacked out belief system and really put some good self work in!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world!" Harry Palmer

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