Monday, September 19, 2011

Life happens when you least expect it to.

Today a woke up and life started pouring. Have you ever heard the saying "when it rains it pours!" Today it has been a tropical storm! Everything seems to happen all at once, its called life. Its not what happens in life it how we handle the situation. I decided that no matter how hard it pours, and long it lasts I will be just fine. I will do everything and anything I can to make it through this stormy weather because thats all it is.. stormy weather. When I least expected it, a certain someone parted the clouds and changed everything. It didn't change what had happened, it didn't fix any of the craziness, but it made me appreciate the good in my life rather then all the negative crap. A wise man once told me " you only have a bad day if you choose to have a bad day, and why would anyone choose to have a bad day?" Sometimes we get wrapped up in all the chaos when all it really takes is just one strong smile to say " Naaaa nothings that big of deal to ruin my day!" In times like these (bad mornings, rough or tough days) take time to look at the things you do have in your life, and appreciate them! Being appreciative towards the people, place, and things you have in your life is not always easy when your mind is else where, but I promise you when you take the time out to appreciate those around you it will shift your perspective. Most the time we allow our mind to control our feelings, when we're angry it happens without us knowing. When you go into "Analyze Mode" and you tend to OVER analyze everything. The world is a reflection of me. What we put out into the world is exactly what we get back. When we set up expectations of others our mind is already made up so regardless good or bad we allow it to happen because we already expect it. So if the world is a reflection of you, what does that say about you? if you know what you want don't settle for anything less. Appreciation will go a really long way and it will open your eyes on whole new level. You don't have to mope around, you don't have to have a bad day if you don't want to. Now some of you are saying why would anyone WANT to have a bad day, well because some people are more comfortable in pain, I use to be one of those people. I felt I lost my happy, I thought I needed someone else to find it for me, I wasn't happy with myself at all, so I would keep myself in pain because I knew how to handle it better. But let me tell you from experience you don't have to be like that at all .. EVER! Life is going to happen whether it rains or pours, or just has a quick sun shower your day/life is what you choose to be. And if your tired of living in the glum perspective reach out, and know I am always available. Happiness does not have to be a choice
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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