Thursday, September 29, 2011

Speaking from the heart!

Have you ever noticed, when you try and set up all the right things to say it all comes out wrong, or discombobulated? But when you speak from your heart, whether your really sure about it or not it always comes out right? Granted sometimes speaking from the heart makes us nervous or scared, which takes us back to learning to love ourself and owning who we are. It took me a long time to learn how to be vulnerable, I'm still learning thats its okay. But thats the truth, its okay to be vulnerable, we live in a society that tells us "You have to be strong!" or " Only the strong survive!" but the message isn't so clear for all. Yes! When your strong you can survive, but what does strong really mean? If you look up the word Strong, there are 21 definitions for it. All having the general meaning of being able to up hold a powerful measurement. But whose to say your strong doesn't involve anyone else? My strong involves my family, my friends, my boyfriend, and of course myself. I know that I am a strong individual mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even physically. However, we tend to forget that if it wasn't for our weakest moments we wouldn't be as strong as we are! I allow myself to be strong individually and because I can trust, love, and be vulnerable with my family, friends, and boyfriend we can be twice the strength when together. Before I created my inner strength, I always thought I had to be strong, "tough guy strong", but I could never speak from my heart, or become vulnerable. In the few times I had attempted to, I felt rejected and stupid. But I set up that belief, I assumed way before hand that it wasn't going to go over well, and it pretty much never did. Until I shifted myself, a good friend told me "it's okay to be vulnerable, let it out, this is a non judgment room!". And to my surprise I started to cry, but  for the first time in my life I became vulnerable and spoke from the heart, I allowed my insecurities to drop dead, and it was the best feeling in the world. Ever since then, I learned that the best way to speak to someone if from the heart, I use to speak at people, now I speak to people, a concept I once thought was crazy! But I am quickly learning that the only craziness is how long it took me to figure all this out. Some of you keep in mind that when I say, " Speak from the heart" I am meaning to speak from your heart, not your webs of chaos going on in your head. Trust me I thought that's when I thought I was speaking from the heart, but thats when I was speaking at people. When you speak with your head full of crap, YOU ARE IN YOUR HEAD, and not in your heart. When your trying to justify what is coming out of your mouth, YOU ARE IN YOUR HEAD, and not in your heart. When your not sure if what your saying is going to get the reaction you want, YOU ARE IN YOUR HEAD, and not in your heart. When you speak from your heart, your not looking for a reaction and whatever reaction you do get, won't effect you negatively. It's almost like you said your peace, your saying it because you want someone else to know how you feel, instead of trying to defend how you feel. Be honest with yourself, it is not easy to do, I still find myself going no its okay, when I know I am in my head because there is no way that its okay. At that time, when you feel a head heart battle going on, step aside and just breathe, exaggerate all your thoughts you'll be surprised at what you come in contact with. Once you have a clear mind set, what you feel with just flow out your mouth. It's really quite awesome, and people respect and appreciate the vulnerable, the naked truth. You feel fresh, and the best part is you don't feel as though you have to put a guard up between everything you say. You feel strong, because its you, and because you are loving and owning you. If any of you have any questions, comments or concerns, please leave them, add them, or email me with them, I am always here to help.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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