Wednesday, July 27, 2011

your past does not determine your future!

Everyone has skeletons, and everyone has a part, we all come from someone and something. But life is not about finding yourself its all about creating yourself. A lot of people misunderstand that, and think that somewhere in the world, at some point in time you will just find yourself. FALSE!! our experiences and our beliefs are what makes us However, we also forget that you can choose to be whoever you want to be, you get to create whatever type of person you want. If you want to be rich and successful do it make it happen. If you want to travel the world and help others, do it what is standing in your way? I used to make a huge list of everything that was standing in my way, and what I came to find was that my beliefs 1) were absolutely ridiculous 2) and completely holding me back from ever being able to move forward. I spent years being unhappy, letting people walk all over me, and being my own worst enemy. Sure, I didn't have the easiest childhood growing up, and my teen years were anything but normal, I have done and experienced things people twice my age would never imagine doing. But everything i've been through, will not hold me back from what I want in my future. If anything you should take your past and give the power to push you forward and continue to do anything and everything you could possibly imagine. When we make up excuses, and reasons why we can't it is only because you don't fully trust yourself, and you allowing your past to hold you back from your future does nothing but harm. I would so on a daily basis, sometimes you do it without even noticing it, I would let it control everything I did, and everything I thought. Through family and Avatar I was able to finally leave it in my past, and for the first time in my life make a plan for my future. It has been such an amazing feeling. I would never want to go back to the deep dark hole I was once in! Life is so much better living in a different light, Allowing my past to stay there, actually in the past was awesome. I never thought that would be a possibility but now its my reality and now I can live in the present and plan for my fabulous future.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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