Monday, July 18, 2011

It could always be worse.. so is it really that bad??

A lot of times, when our mind is taking over our emotions, we allow it to make things bigger then what they really are. Have you ever heard the expression "Making a mountain out of a Mole Hill" ? We do it all the time without even noticing it. At the time it seems as though we are rationalizing or justifying the situation, when all we are really doing is making it much much bigger then it really is. When in doing so we are fleeing from a solution! Instead of taking responsibility, allowing to feel in the moment, collect ourselves and then come up with a solution, we over dramatize and without even noticing we are quick to blame it on someone else. YOU CAN EASILY CHOOSE NOT TO BE A VICTIM. Although it is much easier for us to be a victim, all that does is create a bigger problem. Believe it or not being a victim is hard work, it takes way more energy to angry and upset then it does to be happy, and peaceful. Next time you get upset NO MATTER WHAT IT IS... take two minutes, put the situation in your hand, label it just as it is, take responsibility for your reaction, and realize you are not a victim, and you can choose a solution. Because no matter what your problem is.. IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE. I have been struggling to find a job for weeks now, and got very frustrated, but then thought to myself I am so blessed, I have a roof over my head and a supportive family, I am not going  to die, and I kept exaggerating the feeling of how thankful I am for what I do have. I have good intentions that something will align for me. God will not give you anything you can not handle, have faith, as God has faith in you. Remember what you do have, and you have the power to create whatever you want. It may not happen right away, Patience IS a virtue. However decide it will happen, put it out to the universe it will happen! Times are rough for everyone right now, you are not alone on any level. But above all IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE. so be thankful for what you do have, when the opportunity appears you will be ready, appreciative and more then willing to jump.


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