Saturday, July 23, 2011

The biggest battle is in your head.

Have you ever had to make a decision but just over think the process or options? Have you ever thought you known what you wanted until you started to think about it? Or Have you ever battled between your heart and your head? Who normally wins all those battles?? If your saying "my mind" its normal and if your not, your mind is already fighting this. Through this Avatar course, we learn to step outside our own mind set, and feel what we want instead of just think about it. I found, when I was paying attention to something that I wanted in my head I would go back and forth, which became known as the "Over-thinking Process" it also brought me down. It was mostly negative thoughts, "I wouldn't be able to do that", "That would never happen", or "NO CHANCE IN HELL" at first it was almost like a reaction, and didn't even realize I was doing it! Thats how accustom I had become to putting myself down, instead of telling my self "Go for it", "Why not, what are you gonna loose", or "you only live once, no regrets!". I have lost a lot of people in my life, most at a really young age, I let that take account for some of my not so great decisions "Forever Young!' I don't regret any of them, I would have never turned into who I am today but when it came to important ones it was more of "I don't think I will make it that far". This was the scariest factor I had learned about myself, I couldn't see myself living past 25! (That not even close to being middle aged!) But because of this factor, I became unmotivated to do anything with my life. I saw no point in pushing forward. I allowed my mind to take over, every little bit of me. But worst of all, I let it take away my happiness. Avatar, was able to give me the tools, to counteract that habit, and though I am very grateful it is still a daily battle. I'm learning on how to love myself more and learn how to feel what I want and make it happen, without my mind getting the best of me. I'm becoming my own fan, and it feels pretty cool. When I was little all I wanted to do was travel all over the world helping people, and through the events in my past I lost the passion, But thankfully it is regaining fire, daily. You can actually choose to turn your mind off, tell it to shut up, and just listen to yourself, feel what you want, and then create it. If it helps, get a Journal and write all your crap thats in your head on paper, when your done power writing re-read it not necessarily right away, but you'll come to see how silly you were, I found myself to just ramble without even coming close to making sense. (thats a good thing, because you'll get all the yuck out!) And this way everything comes out and you see from an "outside the box" viewpoint of yourself. Over-thinking Process, is tiring, stressful, and all around damaging to mind body and sometimes even your soul. So let it all go, label it for what it is, just as it is, and just go for it. We only live once, and should take full advantage of everything that comes our way. It's your life and you can create it to be whatever you want, dreams have no limit, so why limit yourself. 
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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