Thursday, July 14, 2011


This morning I woke up with a bunch of different emotions but most, were sad, unsure, they just weren't happy. I stayed quiet and started to listen to my mind take over the initial feeling that started all this madness. I started to over think my emotion, and I couldn't figure it out because it was just one big mess!! So I did an exercise call a "FEEL IT" where you take an animate or inanimate object (so either a still or alive object) and I took in all its detail, looked at the space it took up, and I put all my energy in that object and tried to feel what it felt. now most of you are going " oh okay, crazy!" I thought it was crazy at first as well however, crazy or not it works. So, once I put all my energy in it, and I felt how it felt all the craziness in my head was gone ( this exercise will only take a few minutes maybe seconds to really feel that object, otherwise you start to think about the object more then just feel it!) . I could now start to feel what I was initially feeling, really feel it, not just think to myself, or over cloud my mind with thoughts. I realized how silly I was being, because I can DECIDE to change or CREATE whatever I want and however I want. Most of the time what happens is, we start to feel an emotion and instead of living through that emotion we cover it up with all these crazy, ridiculous thoughts and before you know it, you have just allowed your mind to control you! Thats when you give up your choice, and do things that you probably wouldn't do, because your full of these other emotions that don't even make sense. Emotions are powerful, crazy unbelievably powerful! and if we don't deal and allow ourselves to heal from the hurt and the painful emotions it gets ugly. Time is the one thing you can't erase! Everything else you can decide to change, If you take responsibility for the decisions you make. Now, when I say "take responsibility" I don't blame yourself for what others have done to you, don't try and justify the situation. What I mean is take responsibility for the way you handled it, for your reactions, and the decisions that you made following those emotions, series of events, or whatever it was. Do Not, I repeat Do NOT, take this lightly because it is difficult, especially when you've been so stuck in your ways for so long, however the end result, just taking responsibility will lift your heart. No matter what you have been through, no matter how rough, how ugly, how cruel, or injustice it was, you have the choice to take all your emotions from it feel in order to heal, and then choose to let go. You don't need to forget, I know I never will, but choose to let go, move forward, because you deserve more. In that moment you just took responsibility for your own emotions, your own decisions, not any one else's just yours. I never thought that I was going to be able to let go, EVER! But I knew I didn't want to be sad anymore, I had buried my feelings so deep, that I wasn't sure I was going to be able to find them. I was so comfortable just being in pain, and angry, I shut people out, pushed others away, but worst of all I resisted myself. All because I chose not to feel how I really felt, and I let my mind control my emotions, and my decisions. Years went by, close to a decade, A DECADE! Thats insane!!!! thats years gone, that I can't get make, but now because I took responsibility for my feelings and really felt them, let them go, I decided to create something waaaaay better for myself, because I deserve it. Just try the exercise "FEEL ITS" just sit in your room, or go somewhere private like the beach or something (ocean is a really really cool feeling, I found it very calming and peaceful) if you don't want others knowing what your doing, and if that doesn't work, when you get all wrapped up in your head, and your thoughts, write it all down exaggerate everything your feeling and when your done re-read it, you will find it's not as bad as it seems. Because you can choose differently!!!!! and "EVERY MOMENT YOU ARE HAPPY IS A GIFT TO THE REST OF THE WORLD"-- Harry Palmer

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