Sunday, July 24, 2011

When nothing else inspires you, you should!

Have you ever gotten out of bed and felt like doing nothing? or have you spent the day in your room and not wanted to talk to anyone? or just sat on the couch all day doing nothing? I'm sure all of us are guilty of it, ALL OF US! But these are choices we make, and most of time blame it on someone else for making us feel that way. In all reality, we choose the way we feel, yes our reactions are like impulses and sometimes we do them without knowing it but for the majority we choose the way we feel. How we look at certain situations, what past experiences cause use to look at them in that manner, and what beliefs we have created due to those situations. In doing so, we are creating unnecessary beliefs that will alter the way we view ourselves, others, and our surroundings. We forgot about the best, and important things in life, the little things, the things people forget to notice because they are paying to much attention to the negatives. Did you know when you look, search, or even  so much as try and sniff out a negative all your doing is attracting it to you? Most people would say that they are just being cautious, however thats a complete cop out! "EXPECT THE WORST AND HOPE FOR THE BEST" you can choose, decide and ULTIMATELY.... CREATE. You have the power and the ability to do whatever you want, no one is holding you back but yourself. Money, Time, Age, what's the common factor between the three? and No its not your biggest problem, THE ONLY THING THESE THREE WORDS HAVE IN COMMON ARE THAT THEY ARE NUMBERS!THATS IT! any second guessing like i just showed just label it just as it is, what is money?? just a number ... so create the number you need! Are you planning on running out of time? Then you have already planned to set yourself up for failure, Time is never against us when we are planning it effectively, you just decide you have all the time in the world, make it available! Age? are you to young? to old? because I'm sure that excuse has weighed itself out way to many times, You are never to young to dream and never to old to stop! So, If you are having a bad day you can decide to change it, at any point. You can actually choose how certain situations make you feel, you decide to look at them completely differently and push yourself further rather then holding yourself back. Every deserves to be happy, and once you realize that you, yourself can actually inspire..YOURSELF. YOU SHOULD DO THAT EVERYDAY!! don't wait for a cute saying, or a great movie, or watching someone else do it. Find the passion that burns inside you, and go for it! 
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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