Friday, July 22, 2011

Habits can be Broken :)

Today I learned that it takes 28 days to form a habit, WOW! it takes just about a month. Do you know how long it takes to break a habit? Answer: ITS UP TO YOU!!! I have been trying to form a better/healthier way of living, truth is I just got tired of being unhappy. I am in the process of changing my diet, and become more active, and for me it hasn't been easy. Now, most of you are saying "thats your belief" well your totally right. For the past ten years food has become more of a comfort value then a nutritional value, which ultimately hurt me way worse then I could of ever realized. I'm trying to re-train my mind and my body what the better choices are, it has been far from easy, but I know the end result will be well worth it. I feel much better when I eat healthy and I  feel awesome after I work out, but I still have cravings. Cravings or not, I know what I ultimately want, and I decided that it just would be better for me to start a whole new habit. I know I can do this, which just proves i can break any habit, or belief I want.... BECAUSE I CHOOSE, I DECIDE AND I CREATE. Habits, are a comfort zone whether they are bad or good, think about it when we become comfortable with a situation or re-occurring actions, we create them over and over again which forms a habit. Habits can be good and they can be bad, but not matter what type of habit, you have all the power to change it if you really want to.  I can sit here and be negative about it, and complain, or worse.. just give up, but I deserve to be happy and if I decide to do or choose to be any of those things, I will be taking away the ability for me to be truly happy. You can set your mind to do anything you want it to, you can create a whole new life, deciding is not the hard part, even though many think it is. It is creating that gets tricky, you need to be your biggest fan, its okay to let yourself fall as long as you fight to stand back up. Everyone is a creature of habit, you decide what those habits are, you create habits most the time without knowing it, routines itself are habits. So, no matter how often you do them, or how comfortable they make you feel, if its not beneficial to you then remember it really only takes seconds to decide to change them. Because everyone deserves to be happy.
"Every moment you are happy is a gif to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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