Sunday, July 17, 2011

TIME is the only thing we can't get back

This post has a little bit of other blogs all rolled into one, which is cool so you can see I'm not full of it! Time is the only thing you can't get back.. meaning you can DECIDE to change anything and everything you want, the only thing you can't change is the past, we can only change for the future. If you stare at an open door for too long it will close, in other words, you have to take control of your own life/decisions you can not just wait around for someone to make them for you. When an opportunity comes by, take it because if you don't someone else will, and they will put their everything in it! Everyone is destine for greatness, but is a choice just the same. No one's destiny is to just sit around and watch life unfold for them, your destiny is the sum of all your life decisions. Before I went to Avatar, I couldn't see myself living past 25, that was a belief that I myself set up in my head based on past experiences. It was all bologna, all toxic crap, sure I have been through hell and back a few times, and I'm 23 but its my decision how, and what beliefs I live my life by. Avatar gave me the tools and support to see the bigger picture. We are what we make of ourselves, no one owns us, our decisions are a reflections of us no one else. And up until now I could only imagine what people thought of me, because truth be told I didn't even think so highly of myself, sure it took years to get that way, but to think it took 10 days to reverse it and only a few months to change it ...MY CHOICE! No matter what it is, wether its time lost with loved ones (been there, this one hurts the worst) or some of the primary years of your own life (again heart wrenching feeling!!!) YOU CAN NOT GET THIS TIME WASTED ON PAIN AND ANGER BACK... its gone..FOREVER... all you can do is change, you deicide when, where, how, you decide for yourself that you want more because you deserve more, and then  everything else is pretty simple! I still get frustrated at times, I still get upset and take things personal that I know I shouldn't, but I have simple tools that when I decide I can pull myself right back in. I have never been so happy, sure I look back on the TEN years that are gone, say "WOW! that sucks, I deserve more, I deserve to be happy, I AM DESTINE FOR GREATNESS, I WILL ALLOW MYSELF TO BE GREAT." and those ten years turns into lessons learned, they turn into motivation because I never want to be in that position EVER again. And once you start to change, your energy will change as well, and everyone around you shifts into a much happier place, because they simply don't have a choice, YOU WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO AFFECT YOU HAPPY ENERGY! TIME you can not get back, but you always have a choice to change for your future. There will always be challenging people, ALWAYS, but you decide how you let them affect you, don't ! don't let them take your time away... just remember, once it's gone ..ITS GONE.

ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE GREAT.. decide your time is yours! and only you will decide your destiny!


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