Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nothing is Impossible, yes this is my belief.

Nothing is impossible, as children we know this all to well. But as we grow up, we put restrictions on things, and ultimately our once hopes, dreams, and goals tern into just that. We forget to carry the fire inside, and without trying we tell ourselves its just not an option for us. Throughout my life I have put my dreams and goals in plastic bubbles and just let them go because it was my belief I could never make it happen. Well come to find out, I WAS WRONG ALL THOSE YEARS!!! Because I have been able to push myself in the past month to do things and feel things I never thought were even imaginable. After Avatar, I found so many more dreams and goals I want to accomplish, and instead of putting them in plastic bubbles, this time I put them on paper, and I intend on crossing every single one of them off. Funny thing is, every time I cross one off now, I find myself adding another. Can you imagine your entire life just being filled with dreams and goals you have accomplished. And it would be because, you decided to. You chose, you decided, and you created it, despite what people told you or you may feel defeated one day, wake up the next and realize how silly it was to doubt yourself. I still have those days, they are called " test days" where the devil on you right shoulder is fighting with the angel on your left. "I don't see any improvement, and I'm starting to think this is hopeless" your head says, "You are hopeless you have a better chance just giving up now then digging yourself into a deeper hole" says the devil, "you have worked so hard, and success does not come over night, its going to continue to require work, but with big risk comes big reward, won't you feel better knowing you did it and you didn't give up" says the angel. In times like these, yes the easier choice would be to just give up, but who said life was ever easy? You decide that, your choice you have made is right for you and although it may not be easy at times, you will push through the rough ones, and have faith in yourself, even if no one else does. You can be your biggest fan, or your own worst enemy, why would you ever want to go against yourself? Some of my friends and family have read my blogs and have suggested I entertain the idea of writing a book. At first, I thought they were nuts, but then I thought about it, I want this message to get out everywhere, to young adults my age, and those younger. A book would really push myself to making that happen, I write everyday, why not put it all together and make it happen. It's those little moments then when you start to put yourself down you really need to smack yourself for ever doubting yourself. Choose, Decide, Create, because it is that easy, and because you deserve to be happy.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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