Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Never give up!

As babies, children, teens, and most young adults, you rely on your parents or guardians to take care of you, to nurture you, and fix the screw ups that you make. But as adults, well your on your own, so what happens when they start off in the middle what happens when all the responsibility is given to a teen instead of an adult ? When I was a young teen, a had a series of tragic events happen, and at the time I didn't know what else to do, other then to grow up and deal with them. As time went on, I was way to mature for my age and everyone else my age  was off in college and living a life I had once dreamed of, I got tired of being an adult and just want to let go and have fun. Having fun has consequences, and at the time I couldn't have cared any less! I thought well since no one was there when I was younger, if I make a mistake its on me, but Oh well I wanted my teen years back. I gave up at such a young age, and blamed it on everything that was taken from me, I blamed the two people that took it from me and made sure that everything I did in the future, they felt it just as it was affecting me. I took no responsibility at all for any of my actions, or I took responsibility I just didn't really care. Not knowing what it was going to do to my name, because I gave up, it was a lot harder to fight back. Thankfully I have an amazing supportive family who has been awesome, the same people I turned my back on, have been my biggest fans. Sure, some still don't understand and I know deep down they are waiting for me to screw up again, and thats okay with me, because I decided that I'm going to do something great with my life. Avatar, gave me the tools and I have to keep it in motion, I need to keep me going. It took me years to realize that giving up was not the best choice, it was more like wasted years, important years, years I will never get back again. But at the same time giving up as pushed me forward, it taught me so much in the end, and I realized so much more about myself. To "NEVER GIVE UP" is to choose you, to decide to push through, on all the rough days because you know your worth it, and you deserve it, it means you have created this world where your going to stumble, trip, and sometimes fall but no matter how badly you stumble, trip or fall, you will always get back up. "NEVER GIVING UP" means fighting for you, what you love to do, what your passion is, what makes you happy. Once you decide that you will under no circumstances give up at any time and date, you will have found self-love, self-respect, and self-confidence, to be able to do anything and everything you could ever possibly imagine! You would be so surprise as to how your universe will change, how you feel, how others feel around you, and how your entire being will have shifted. It is the most mind blowing, wonderful, crazy amazing, experience. Love those who don't expect it, who need it most, give back to the world, in the great cause of chain reaction, give to yourself and show self-love, continue to give back to others, the world, and yourself. Make sure you give to yourself, most people forget to do that, and become tired, bitter,and resentful --which is not a pretty look :( So when god gives you lemons, make lemonade if your thirsty and share it with others, make lemon cookies if your hungry and share it with others, but under no circumstances, throw them away and give up!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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