Saturday, July 30, 2011

When one door closes, another will open.. so make sure your paying attention or else you'll miss it!

Have you ever heard the expression "when one door closes, another door will open"? I'm sure everyone has heard it my grandparents, parents, and aunts use to tell me that growing up allllllllllllll  the time.. except they leave out the most important part. If you just stare at the open door, and don't put your thought into action, IT WILL CLOSE AGAIN. There is no time on how long this door will actually stay open sometimes its a few hours, sometimes its a few days, sometimes it could even be a few months. However long that door will be open for, there is no neon countdown, point being.. MAKE IT HAPPEN!! When I was younger, and my aunt use to explain it to me, I use to tell her "well, I didn't want that door to close in the first place!" Yes, I was very stubborn. Now I have learned, and it has become a belief of mine that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, the unexplainable, it happens for a reason. Even when we don't want it to, or even need it to, there is a bigger picture that we're not necessarily suppose to figure out as soon as it happens. Have faith in yourself, decide that you will make all the right decisions for yourself, and create the life you know you deserve. Everyone says "who said life was ever easy?" You choose it, you choose to stress over things you can and cannot control, however when has that helped the situation? whether or not you can or cannot control it, is not the issue, why stress?? when you can just make it happen. Maybe it won't happen over night but it will happen if you put it into action. People don't realize how harmful stress is, next time you go to visit your doctor ask him what stress causes, how many illness' and toxic crap it puts in your body. Why you ask BECAUSE IT JUST IS NOT HEALTHY FOR YOU TO GO AGAINST YOURSELF!!! so make sure when you see an open door jump through it!! Now the tricky part is that sometimes it looks like an open door, when its actually a window... windows are tricky all you need to do is just slide right through, thats because its just the easy way out, and window are always open. You should be completely aware of what is and is not good for you, but when you decide to make all the right decisions, you won't have to worry about the windows, they will just be there for scenic purposes. You want to be able to comfortably walk/jump through the door, instead of sneaking through a window. I mean think about it, your home is suppose to be your safe place right? when you lock your doors more then you lock your windows? Burglars normally break a window, or slide through a window, or would have to break the door to get in. When its your door, you will feel safe knowing this is what's right for you! And please keep in mind that, doors are always revolving in your life (if you want them to be) meaning you always have an option, choice if you will :) If your not happy you do have the choice to walk out that same door, just make sure its for all the right reasons, walking away does come with consequences. But, if you walk out the door for the right reasons, consequently it won't be to bad. Keep your faith in yourself, and in God, as he keeps faith in us.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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