Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Have you ever realized how often you make a choice? It can be a simple choice, or the same choice you make everyday, but everything you do is a choice, every time you react that is your choice. A lot of the time we react, because subconsciously we take it personal, when 99.9% of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with us. But when we do take it personally thats our choice, and we decide how we handle it. Wether or not you realize it, when we take it personal, and either get upset, angry, or really let it cut into us.. THATS OUR CHOICE. We decided to let it bring us down or make us upset. What people forget is that we also have the power to decide against it, see it for what it really is and decide not to let it get to us, not to take it personal, because ultimately IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US. Again, this would be a great time to turn around and smile instead of choose to get angry or upset. We create it all, we have the power to create whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, with whomever we want. Yes, some may call it magic, that just means you don't have faith in yourself, because remember you create it.. no one else. We limit ourselves without even knowing it, "I don't have the money, I don't have the time, I don't know if I can" forgetting that all those things can be created, we create money (not in a machine in your garage) but we have the ability to do whatever we set our mind to. Some of you maybe thinking, this chick is crazy if I could be making a million dollars I would be, okay.. well riddle me this.. what is stopping you?? I'll tell you.. YOU, YOU ARE STOPPING YOURSELF, EVERY TIME YOU RESIST OR DOUBT YOURSELF!! I thought I would never be able to get over my past, I thought I was going to be stuck in this painful, angry, depressing, rut forever. Forever is a really long time, and amazingly enough it took me 9 days in this brilliantly amazing course called Avatar to give me the tools, and materials to decide to let the past go, I don't even remember how it felt before because now all I feel is this happy incredible feeling. Which let me tell you is priceless, but again I created it, I wanted it to change, and I decided to let it go, and I deserve to be happy JUST BECAUSE. I decided not to be alone to let people in, and let me really shine out. The power of choice is incredible, life changing, and completely inspiring. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING YOU WANT, so why let anyone take that away from you.. especially yourself?because..."EVERY MOMENT YOU ARE HAPPY IS A GIFT TO THE REST OF THE WORLD"- Harry Palmer

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