Monday, July 11, 2011


If you haven't already figured it out, Love Peace and Compassion is the name of the game. These three words and their beautiful meanings have changed my entire life. The way I view life, the way I view myself and others, how much we take for granted, how many little things we miss each day, and how we forget the power of choice. As children we walk around with no worries, living freely, and enjoying the way world works all around us, but as we grow, we start to grow out of the "no worry state of mind". We often allow our thoughts to control our mind, how we feel, and in the end.. us in general. We forget that we DECIDE everything!!! Seriously, think about it, from what we eat, to what we wear, and these are just the simple things that goes unnoticed. Everything in life happens for a reason, and its our choice in how we handle what comes our way, what beliefs are based on that experience is entirely up to us, THATS POWERFUL! Learning not to take anything and everything personal is difficult, that may be your belief, but think about it like this.. have you ever had a bad day? have you ever been in a rush and bumped into someone or cut someone off on the road? now think to yourself... have you ever taken it personal when someone has taken their bad day out on you, bumped into you, or cut you off?? Instead of taking it personal and getting upset, think of the change you would experience if you had Compassion for that person, "wow, she must be having a bad day, I hope it all works out" or "oh boy! he must be in a rush, maybe it's important I hope everything is okay and he gets there safely". I was guilty of it, we all have been, but it takes seconds for you to choose how you react, and how you will let it affect you. You'd be so incredibly surprised in how you will feel a shift of energy, and peacefulness in yourself. I'm starting to learn so much about myself, due to the way I perceive others. And want to share it with those who want to learn easy ways in how to find your own happiness again. I felt I lost mine years ago, wasn't sure where I put it, or buried it. I wasn't even sure if it was an option for me, it felt as if it had just vanished, as if someone just took it from me. But what I realized is I took it from myself, now I've learned new simple, easy and beautiful ways to get it back. so please stay tuned.. learn how to find your happy so we can pass it on :)

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