Saturday, July 16, 2011

Its ok to ask for help!

I have been independent since I was two! and it became a huge part of my ego, not to ask for help. For a number of reasons, I needed to prove I could do it, I didn't want to seem like a failure or weak, or because it seemed like no one was around to help me anyway. This entire time, without realizing it, I had created this belief all by myself. This was a choice that I had made as a young teenager, and it only hurt me as time went on. I could of very easily looked to someone, (anyone) and said I think I need help, I know I need help, Can you help me please? I was young and reckless and everyone makes mistakes, but keep in mind we still need to take responsibilities for those mistakes, wether we feel one way or another because it was us, that ultimately chose it. If I had asked for help a long time ago, my life would probably be tremendously different, but I still wouldn't have the life-knowledge I got on my own. Now, I hold myself more responsible then ever! I am still learning, how and when to ask for help, so its a never ending road...which IS NOT A BAD THING. Everyone needs help, and thats okay! Wouldn't it be better to do it right the first time instead of again and again and again the wrong way and maybe on the 50th time you finally get it right?? It doesn't make us any less capable in-fact it means the complete opposite! If we allow ourselves to be great, we won't stop at anything!! If you need help then it means, you have noticed you just want more for yourself, because you want it done the best way possible, instead of taking on more then you can handle! It took me 23 years to finally muster up the courage and ask for help, and only because rock bottom was lonely, cold, dark and depressing, and I was tired of living like that. I knew that I was destined for greatness,I just didn't know how to allow myself to be great. The moment I asked for help, was the moment that changed my life! I have continued to ask for help, and it feels great, to know I have support when and if I need it. I am now able to turn around and help others now, Life has never felt sooo great! Your pride will always be there, but you only get one shot at life!

"Every moment your happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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