Sunday, July 31, 2011

Its okay to fall, as long as you plan on standing back up!

The past four weeks, I have decided to take on a whole new life style. I have given up my favorite "comfort foods", I have incorporated more of an active lifestyle, and keeping positive. An all around healthier life, I have been so much healthier and I have found such a happier place. However!!!!!! I miss my comfort foods, and I miss my other happy times, I know that I would be so disappointed in myself if I did cheat. So discipline has become a bitter sweet battle. It has been a battle every single day, I have been so hard on myself not to break and just splurge! I know the emotional and mental let down if I do will be way worse then a$$ kicking of a work out I would have to do just to make up for it!I have tried to diet in the past and work out in the past, and was never able to stick to a strict diet and keep up with self motivation. However, in the past I have done it for all the wrong reasons, I never did it really for myself. It took me to smack rock bottom a few times, to actually get it this is not okay because its just not healthy! Now, I am terrified I am going to fall... yet just this weekend one of my strongest supporters broke, and gave in. In a way it was a relief, because my mindset was that if I broke then I would be letting others down. Yes, he broke and gave in, and got right back up the next day and said " OKAY! that was shitty moment lets get right back on track". Watching someone else go through it made me realize that I will have breakdowns and its completely normal and it happens. It doesn't matter how hard we fall, its how quick and strong we decide to stand back up. It was so awesome to know that its okay, it doesn't need to be the end of the world if I do, I won't let it define me. I have broken bad habits before and am in the process of replacing them with good rich healthy ones, and it feels awesome! The powerful feeling I get after I work out, the awesome full feeling of eating better, treating my body better, it says more about who you are and how you hold yourself. At first, it was all about looks for me, I was tired of  not liking the way I looked, and so I wanted to change it, now that I'm not so worried about what I look like and more worried about how I feel and how healthy I am has changed me myself so much more then I could ever expected. I am really starting to love me, and for the first time smiling comes easy instead of a trick. I am so proud of myself with the progress that I have made, and even though I do not plan on falling, or slipping, its only human if it does happen, and it wont be the end of the world. I will just simply decide that it happened label it just as it is, and stand right back up!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Saturday, July 30, 2011

When one door closes, another will open.. so make sure your paying attention or else you'll miss it!

Have you ever heard the expression "when one door closes, another door will open"? I'm sure everyone has heard it my grandparents, parents, and aunts use to tell me that growing up allllllllllllll  the time.. except they leave out the most important part. If you just stare at the open door, and don't put your thought into action, IT WILL CLOSE AGAIN. There is no time on how long this door will actually stay open sometimes its a few hours, sometimes its a few days, sometimes it could even be a few months. However long that door will be open for, there is no neon countdown, point being.. MAKE IT HAPPEN!! When I was younger, and my aunt use to explain it to me, I use to tell her "well, I didn't want that door to close in the first place!" Yes, I was very stubborn. Now I have learned, and it has become a belief of mine that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, the unexplainable, it happens for a reason. Even when we don't want it to, or even need it to, there is a bigger picture that we're not necessarily suppose to figure out as soon as it happens. Have faith in yourself, decide that you will make all the right decisions for yourself, and create the life you know you deserve. Everyone says "who said life was ever easy?" You choose it, you choose to stress over things you can and cannot control, however when has that helped the situation? whether or not you can or cannot control it, is not the issue, why stress?? when you can just make it happen. Maybe it won't happen over night but it will happen if you put it into action. People don't realize how harmful stress is, next time you go to visit your doctor ask him what stress causes, how many illness' and toxic crap it puts in your body. Why you ask BECAUSE IT JUST IS NOT HEALTHY FOR YOU TO GO AGAINST YOURSELF!!! so make sure when you see an open door jump through it!! Now the tricky part is that sometimes it looks like an open door, when its actually a window... windows are tricky all you need to do is just slide right through, thats because its just the easy way out, and window are always open. You should be completely aware of what is and is not good for you, but when you decide to make all the right decisions, you won't have to worry about the windows, they will just be there for scenic purposes. You want to be able to comfortably walk/jump through the door, instead of sneaking through a window. I mean think about it, your home is suppose to be your safe place right? when you lock your doors more then you lock your windows? Burglars normally break a window, or slide through a window, or would have to break the door to get in. When its your door, you will feel safe knowing this is what's right for you! And please keep in mind that, doors are always revolving in your life (if you want them to be) meaning you always have an option, choice if you will :) If your not happy you do have the choice to walk out that same door, just make sure its for all the right reasons, walking away does come with consequences. But, if you walk out the door for the right reasons, consequently it won't be to bad. Keep your faith in yourself, and in God, as he keeps faith in us.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Friday, July 29, 2011

Energy is more powerful then you think!

Everyone carries around energy that they give off, others can feel it and sense the mood your in. Sometimes it draws people in, sometimes it gives off "WARNING!! BACK OFF!!" and sometimes, even though you may not feel like anythings wrong, when there is something bothering you deep down inside you let it show just the tiniest bit, your energy changes, and people still get the message. For years, people might of thought I was intimidating, and I could never understand why? why was I so hard to approach? all my friends know deep down that I have a bigger heart then I do body, so what was really giving off the wrong impression? was it looks? I mean did I look like a monster and just couldn't see it? all these secondaries (after thoughts that follow your initial belief or thought.. your thought processing) would roll in, and I would over-think and over analyze the situation into something it was far from. I knew that deep down I was angry and holding so much in, but I thought I was doing a fantastic job at not letting anyone know that. But boy was I wrong! My younger brother, is very humble and full of wisdom, sat me down one time and told me its how I look at people, its how I always look angry, and its how I carry myself, giving off negative vibes was an awesome way to attract negative vibes. I was able to break down my issues through Avatar, really understand where all the pain and anger came from, past relationships, school, family, it was a mixture of all these events and people, except for one.. me. Yes, I was young but I forgot to take responsibility for my emotions, reactions, and actions all together. I forgot that you choose how to feel about something, and your actions, I'm still working on my reactions, but getting better. When you are able to let all the crap and toxic energy out and just say one final good bye, the weight of the world seems light as a feather. When you become a happier you, when you create a happier you, you become less defensive, less hostile, less aggressive, and more humble. All those toxic energy points, I once admired because I knew it was a defense mechanism, and anyone who could get past it was going to mean something amazing. The only problem was I wasn't letting anyone in, I didn't trust anyone, I made sure in fact that no one, NO ONE would be able to get through. Yet, I was so unhappy being alone, and feeling unloved, never realizing I was doing it to myself. This doesn't happen overnight this was years built up where I wasn't sure what to create, what to decide, or what to choose, so I stopped everything all together. If I didn't make a choice, decision or put it in action, I couldn't get left, I couldn't get hurt, but with great risk comes great rewards. People are going to hurt you no matter what and it your choice, whose worth the pain? But keep in mind it is YOUR choice, no one has to be worth the pain, stop putting everything and everyone else before you, LOVE YOU! If you don't how do you expect anyone else to.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nothing is Impossible, yes this is my belief.

Nothing is impossible, as children we know this all to well. But as we grow up, we put restrictions on things, and ultimately our once hopes, dreams, and goals tern into just that. We forget to carry the fire inside, and without trying we tell ourselves its just not an option for us. Throughout my life I have put my dreams and goals in plastic bubbles and just let them go because it was my belief I could never make it happen. Well come to find out, I WAS WRONG ALL THOSE YEARS!!! Because I have been able to push myself in the past month to do things and feel things I never thought were even imaginable. After Avatar, I found so many more dreams and goals I want to accomplish, and instead of putting them in plastic bubbles, this time I put them on paper, and I intend on crossing every single one of them off. Funny thing is, every time I cross one off now, I find myself adding another. Can you imagine your entire life just being filled with dreams and goals you have accomplished. And it would be because, you decided to. You chose, you decided, and you created it, despite what people told you or you may feel defeated one day, wake up the next and realize how silly it was to doubt yourself. I still have those days, they are called " test days" where the devil on you right shoulder is fighting with the angel on your left. "I don't see any improvement, and I'm starting to think this is hopeless" your head says, "You are hopeless you have a better chance just giving up now then digging yourself into a deeper hole" says the devil, "you have worked so hard, and success does not come over night, its going to continue to require work, but with big risk comes big reward, won't you feel better knowing you did it and you didn't give up" says the angel. In times like these, yes the easier choice would be to just give up, but who said life was ever easy? You decide that, your choice you have made is right for you and although it may not be easy at times, you will push through the rough ones, and have faith in yourself, even if no one else does. You can be your biggest fan, or your own worst enemy, why would you ever want to go against yourself? Some of my friends and family have read my blogs and have suggested I entertain the idea of writing a book. At first, I thought they were nuts, but then I thought about it, I want this message to get out everywhere, to young adults my age, and those younger. A book would really push myself to making that happen, I write everyday, why not put it all together and make it happen. It's those little moments then when you start to put yourself down you really need to smack yourself for ever doubting yourself. Choose, Decide, Create, because it is that easy, and because you deserve to be happy.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

your past does not determine your future!

Everyone has skeletons, and everyone has a part, we all come from someone and something. But life is not about finding yourself its all about creating yourself. A lot of people misunderstand that, and think that somewhere in the world, at some point in time you will just find yourself. FALSE!! our experiences and our beliefs are what makes us However, we also forget that you can choose to be whoever you want to be, you get to create whatever type of person you want. If you want to be rich and successful do it make it happen. If you want to travel the world and help others, do it what is standing in your way? I used to make a huge list of everything that was standing in my way, and what I came to find was that my beliefs 1) were absolutely ridiculous 2) and completely holding me back from ever being able to move forward. I spent years being unhappy, letting people walk all over me, and being my own worst enemy. Sure, I didn't have the easiest childhood growing up, and my teen years were anything but normal, I have done and experienced things people twice my age would never imagine doing. But everything i've been through, will not hold me back from what I want in my future. If anything you should take your past and give the power to push you forward and continue to do anything and everything you could possibly imagine. When we make up excuses, and reasons why we can't it is only because you don't fully trust yourself, and you allowing your past to hold you back from your future does nothing but harm. I would so on a daily basis, sometimes you do it without even noticing it, I would let it control everything I did, and everything I thought. Through family and Avatar I was able to finally leave it in my past, and for the first time in my life make a plan for my future. It has been such an amazing feeling. I would never want to go back to the deep dark hole I was once in! Life is so much better living in a different light, Allowing my past to stay there, actually in the past was awesome. I never thought that would be a possibility but now its my reality and now I can live in the present and plan for my fabulous future.
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Never give up!

As babies, children, teens, and most young adults, you rely on your parents or guardians to take care of you, to nurture you, and fix the screw ups that you make. But as adults, well your on your own, so what happens when they start off in the middle what happens when all the responsibility is given to a teen instead of an adult ? When I was a young teen, a had a series of tragic events happen, and at the time I didn't know what else to do, other then to grow up and deal with them. As time went on, I was way to mature for my age and everyone else my age  was off in college and living a life I had once dreamed of, I got tired of being an adult and just want to let go and have fun. Having fun has consequences, and at the time I couldn't have cared any less! I thought well since no one was there when I was younger, if I make a mistake its on me, but Oh well I wanted my teen years back. I gave up at such a young age, and blamed it on everything that was taken from me, I blamed the two people that took it from me and made sure that everything I did in the future, they felt it just as it was affecting me. I took no responsibility at all for any of my actions, or I took responsibility I just didn't really care. Not knowing what it was going to do to my name, because I gave up, it was a lot harder to fight back. Thankfully I have an amazing supportive family who has been awesome, the same people I turned my back on, have been my biggest fans. Sure, some still don't understand and I know deep down they are waiting for me to screw up again, and thats okay with me, because I decided that I'm going to do something great with my life. Avatar, gave me the tools and I have to keep it in motion, I need to keep me going. It took me years to realize that giving up was not the best choice, it was more like wasted years, important years, years I will never get back again. But at the same time giving up as pushed me forward, it taught me so much in the end, and I realized so much more about myself. To "NEVER GIVE UP" is to choose you, to decide to push through, on all the rough days because you know your worth it, and you deserve it, it means you have created this world where your going to stumble, trip, and sometimes fall but no matter how badly you stumble, trip or fall, you will always get back up. "NEVER GIVING UP" means fighting for you, what you love to do, what your passion is, what makes you happy. Once you decide that you will under no circumstances give up at any time and date, you will have found self-love, self-respect, and self-confidence, to be able to do anything and everything you could ever possibly imagine! You would be so surprise as to how your universe will change, how you feel, how others feel around you, and how your entire being will have shifted. It is the most mind blowing, wonderful, crazy amazing, experience. Love those who don't expect it, who need it most, give back to the world, in the great cause of chain reaction, give to yourself and show self-love, continue to give back to others, the world, and yourself. Make sure you give to yourself, most people forget to do that, and become tired, bitter,and resentful --which is not a pretty look :( So when god gives you lemons, make lemonade if your thirsty and share it with others, make lemon cookies if your hungry and share it with others, but under no circumstances, throw them away and give up!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Sunday, July 24, 2011

When nothing else inspires you, you should!

Have you ever gotten out of bed and felt like doing nothing? or have you spent the day in your room and not wanted to talk to anyone? or just sat on the couch all day doing nothing? I'm sure all of us are guilty of it, ALL OF US! But these are choices we make, and most of time blame it on someone else for making us feel that way. In all reality, we choose the way we feel, yes our reactions are like impulses and sometimes we do them without knowing it but for the majority we choose the way we feel. How we look at certain situations, what past experiences cause use to look at them in that manner, and what beliefs we have created due to those situations. In doing so, we are creating unnecessary beliefs that will alter the way we view ourselves, others, and our surroundings. We forgot about the best, and important things in life, the little things, the things people forget to notice because they are paying to much attention to the negatives. Did you know when you look, search, or even  so much as try and sniff out a negative all your doing is attracting it to you? Most people would say that they are just being cautious, however thats a complete cop out! "EXPECT THE WORST AND HOPE FOR THE BEST" you can choose, decide and ULTIMATELY.... CREATE. You have the power and the ability to do whatever you want, no one is holding you back but yourself. Money, Time, Age, what's the common factor between the three? and No its not your biggest problem, THE ONLY THING THESE THREE WORDS HAVE IN COMMON ARE THAT THEY ARE NUMBERS!THATS IT! any second guessing like i just showed just label it just as it is, what is money?? just a number ... so create the number you need! Are you planning on running out of time? Then you have already planned to set yourself up for failure, Time is never against us when we are planning it effectively, you just decide you have all the time in the world, make it available! Age? are you to young? to old? because I'm sure that excuse has weighed itself out way to many times, You are never to young to dream and never to old to stop! So, If you are having a bad day you can decide to change it, at any point. You can actually choose how certain situations make you feel, you decide to look at them completely differently and push yourself further rather then holding yourself back. Every deserves to be happy, and once you realize that you, yourself can actually inspire..YOURSELF. YOU SHOULD DO THAT EVERYDAY!! don't wait for a cute saying, or a great movie, or watching someone else do it. Find the passion that burns inside you, and go for it! 
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The biggest battle is in your head.

Have you ever had to make a decision but just over think the process or options? Have you ever thought you known what you wanted until you started to think about it? Or Have you ever battled between your heart and your head? Who normally wins all those battles?? If your saying "my mind" its normal and if your not, your mind is already fighting this. Through this Avatar course, we learn to step outside our own mind set, and feel what we want instead of just think about it. I found, when I was paying attention to something that I wanted in my head I would go back and forth, which became known as the "Over-thinking Process" it also brought me down. It was mostly negative thoughts, "I wouldn't be able to do that", "That would never happen", or "NO CHANCE IN HELL" at first it was almost like a reaction, and didn't even realize I was doing it! Thats how accustom I had become to putting myself down, instead of telling my self "Go for it", "Why not, what are you gonna loose", or "you only live once, no regrets!". I have lost a lot of people in my life, most at a really young age, I let that take account for some of my not so great decisions "Forever Young!' I don't regret any of them, I would have never turned into who I am today but when it came to important ones it was more of "I don't think I will make it that far". This was the scariest factor I had learned about myself, I couldn't see myself living past 25! (That not even close to being middle aged!) But because of this factor, I became unmotivated to do anything with my life. I saw no point in pushing forward. I allowed my mind to take over, every little bit of me. But worst of all, I let it take away my happiness. Avatar, was able to give me the tools, to counteract that habit, and though I am very grateful it is still a daily battle. I'm learning on how to love myself more and learn how to feel what I want and make it happen, without my mind getting the best of me. I'm becoming my own fan, and it feels pretty cool. When I was little all I wanted to do was travel all over the world helping people, and through the events in my past I lost the passion, But thankfully it is regaining fire, daily. You can actually choose to turn your mind off, tell it to shut up, and just listen to yourself, feel what you want, and then create it. If it helps, get a Journal and write all your crap thats in your head on paper, when your done power writing re-read it not necessarily right away, but you'll come to see how silly you were, I found myself to just ramble without even coming close to making sense. (thats a good thing, because you'll get all the yuck out!) And this way everything comes out and you see from an "outside the box" viewpoint of yourself. Over-thinking Process, is tiring, stressful, and all around damaging to mind body and sometimes even your soul. So let it all go, label it for what it is, just as it is, and just go for it. We only live once, and should take full advantage of everything that comes our way. It's your life and you can create it to be whatever you want, dreams have no limit, so why limit yourself. 
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Friday, July 22, 2011

Habits can be Broken :)

Today I learned that it takes 28 days to form a habit, WOW! it takes just about a month. Do you know how long it takes to break a habit? Answer: ITS UP TO YOU!!! I have been trying to form a better/healthier way of living, truth is I just got tired of being unhappy. I am in the process of changing my diet, and become more active, and for me it hasn't been easy. Now, most of you are saying "thats your belief" well your totally right. For the past ten years food has become more of a comfort value then a nutritional value, which ultimately hurt me way worse then I could of ever realized. I'm trying to re-train my mind and my body what the better choices are, it has been far from easy, but I know the end result will be well worth it. I feel much better when I eat healthy and I  feel awesome after I work out, but I still have cravings. Cravings or not, I know what I ultimately want, and I decided that it just would be better for me to start a whole new habit. I know I can do this, which just proves i can break any habit, or belief I want.... BECAUSE I CHOOSE, I DECIDE AND I CREATE. Habits, are a comfort zone whether they are bad or good, think about it when we become comfortable with a situation or re-occurring actions, we create them over and over again which forms a habit. Habits can be good and they can be bad, but not matter what type of habit, you have all the power to change it if you really want to.  I can sit here and be negative about it, and complain, or worse.. just give up, but I deserve to be happy and if I decide to do or choose to be any of those things, I will be taking away the ability for me to be truly happy. You can set your mind to do anything you want it to, you can create a whole new life, deciding is not the hard part, even though many think it is. It is creating that gets tricky, you need to be your biggest fan, its okay to let yourself fall as long as you fight to stand back up. Everyone is a creature of habit, you decide what those habits are, you create habits most the time without knowing it, routines itself are habits. So, no matter how often you do them, or how comfortable they make you feel, if its not beneficial to you then remember it really only takes seconds to decide to change them. Because everyone deserves to be happy.
"Every moment you are happy is a gif to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why Stress when you don't need to??

So, one of my Fabulous Aunts, had a great analogy and I'm going to share the knowledge. I started to stress about bills, as I'm sure everyone does, I would hate finding out details of how much or what it would take to clear the damage. But it was soon explained to me that bills(or whatever the issue you are stressing over is) is just like poo, If you let it build it will become very stinky and you will ultimately become a stinky person. However, If you know exactly how much poo there is, and what it will take to clean it up, then you can very easily choose that stress is just a bad waste of energy. Most, of the time our reactions are built upon emotions, which is completely fine and normal, just make sure you take the time to realize, that (again) IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE, YOU CAN DECIDE HOW YOU WANT TO HANDLE THE SITUATION, and YOU CREATE IT ALL. Once those three things are taken into consideration then you realize "oh, its really not so bad" what was the big deal?? NOTHING. Please people, this world would be such a more peaceful environment If everyone could realize, THERE IS NO POINT IN STRESSING OVER THINGS WE CAN'T CONTROL, and for the things we can control, THATS JUST IT WE CAN CONTROL THEM! SO why become the stinky person in the room, when you can decide not to. You can do anything and everything you set your mind to, just decide to do it. And, MAKE IT HAPPEN. Stress will not only derail you from your initial goal, but it could also break you down. Stress is a waste of energy, it also takes away from you making yourself happy. Everyone has issues and everyone is normally going to stress, but just keep in mind that you don't have to. That life is that much sweeter without stress weighing you down. I am 23, yes I'm young, but have already so much life experience, and can promise you the times that I would stress did way more harm then good, now that my mind set has changed (because I DECIDED to) there's just no point in stress, AGAIN -- GOD WOULD NOT GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU CAN'T HANDLE, SO IF GOD HAS FAITH IN YOU MAYBE IT'S TIME YOU DO TO, (if not at least have faith in God ) Everyone deserves to be happy, and everyone has the opportunity to, we just need to open up our eyes and take the opportunity when it presents itself.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Be your own Biggest Fan!

Just a few weeks ago, I never made future plans, I never set goals, I never motivated myself because I didn't think I had it in me to do so. However with the help of Avatar, it showed me that I chose that belief. I decided a long time ago that I was never going to go full force, because I already knew I wouldn't make it.. so why risk my energy? I was limiting myself, and for what?? I have always known deep down that I have the potential to be something, someone awesome! I blamed it on the tragedies in my life, Life is to short anyway, which should of been a push in the right direction in itself but I chose a different path. I chose to live life in full party mode, did what I needed to just to get by, but nothing more. After realizing how selfish and stupid I have been all these years I decided to change. Just like that,OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW, I decided that I was going to do anything and everything I possibly could to better myself. New way of living to the fullest. Only you can really push you, only you can really motivate you, sure you can be inspired by something or someone else, but ultimately it is your choice. Why take that away from yourself??? I did what everyone expected me to do, Instead of what I knew I was really capable of doing.  You only get one shot at life, why not go full force? why not give it everything you have? in the short week that I have made this change, My whole World is shifted, along with everyone in it. I never thought by just bettering myself that I could better others around you as well .. DOUBLE WAMMIE!!! But the coolest thing about the decision   I made has been watching my family glow with me. Its amazing to see the actually shift in the ones you love, and I have never felt so loved. When you learn to love yourself, others will do the same. I have the most amazing best friend, her name is Jessica, We've been friends since Jr. of High School, and most the time I feel like she's the only person that really understands me, won't ever judge me, and no matter what I do she's always been right there. We've gone through everything together, bad relationships, bad friends, bad situations, and even worse lifestyles. We did it together, most time we think the same thing, people ask us if we're sisters, and honestly I couldn't imagine anyone closer, without knowing it we both decided to chose to live a healthier life. We started working out and eating much better, as weight has always been our biggest enemy. And through the past few years neither one of us were motivated to do anything about it. Now we're doing it together, Its awesome!!! we push each other, help each other in weak moments, its like together we can do anything.. conquer the world :)  I have been very blessed to have the support of friends and family. But you can do it on your own, you need to make that first step, take responsibility for your past, and then take responsibility for your future and decide to change it. I have never felt so great! It has become a daily motivator, Our dreams are limitless, so why must we be the ones who limit them? You can do anything you ever wanted to, Decide to do it, and really go for it!!! You Create it all!!! so do not but road blocks in your life, build new roads. You are only holding yourself back and for what?? why would you do that to yourself? Why not strive for more? DO NOT SETTLE!!!! BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH SOOO MUCH MORE!!!


Monday, July 18, 2011

It could always be worse.. so is it really that bad??

A lot of times, when our mind is taking over our emotions, we allow it to make things bigger then what they really are. Have you ever heard the expression "Making a mountain out of a Mole Hill" ? We do it all the time without even noticing it. At the time it seems as though we are rationalizing or justifying the situation, when all we are really doing is making it much much bigger then it really is. When in doing so we are fleeing from a solution! Instead of taking responsibility, allowing to feel in the moment, collect ourselves and then come up with a solution, we over dramatize and without even noticing we are quick to blame it on someone else. YOU CAN EASILY CHOOSE NOT TO BE A VICTIM. Although it is much easier for us to be a victim, all that does is create a bigger problem. Believe it or not being a victim is hard work, it takes way more energy to angry and upset then it does to be happy, and peaceful. Next time you get upset NO MATTER WHAT IT IS... take two minutes, put the situation in your hand, label it just as it is, take responsibility for your reaction, and realize you are not a victim, and you can choose a solution. Because no matter what your problem is.. IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE. I have been struggling to find a job for weeks now, and got very frustrated, but then thought to myself I am so blessed, I have a roof over my head and a supportive family, I am not going  to die, and I kept exaggerating the feeling of how thankful I am for what I do have. I have good intentions that something will align for me. God will not give you anything you can not handle, have faith, as God has faith in you. Remember what you do have, and you have the power to create whatever you want. It may not happen right away, Patience IS a virtue. However decide it will happen, put it out to the universe it will happen! Times are rough for everyone right now, you are not alone on any level. But above all IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE. so be thankful for what you do have, when the opportunity appears you will be ready, appreciative and more then willing to jump.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

TIME is the only thing we can't get back

This post has a little bit of other blogs all rolled into one, which is cool so you can see I'm not full of it! Time is the only thing you can't get back.. meaning you can DECIDE to change anything and everything you want, the only thing you can't change is the past, we can only change for the future. If you stare at an open door for too long it will close, in other words, you have to take control of your own life/decisions you can not just wait around for someone to make them for you. When an opportunity comes by, take it because if you don't someone else will, and they will put their everything in it! Everyone is destine for greatness, but is a choice just the same. No one's destiny is to just sit around and watch life unfold for them, your destiny is the sum of all your life decisions. Before I went to Avatar, I couldn't see myself living past 25, that was a belief that I myself set up in my head based on past experiences. It was all bologna, all toxic crap, sure I have been through hell and back a few times, and I'm 23 but its my decision how, and what beliefs I live my life by. Avatar gave me the tools and support to see the bigger picture. We are what we make of ourselves, no one owns us, our decisions are a reflections of us no one else. And up until now I could only imagine what people thought of me, because truth be told I didn't even think so highly of myself, sure it took years to get that way, but to think it took 10 days to reverse it and only a few months to change it ...MY CHOICE! No matter what it is, wether its time lost with loved ones (been there, this one hurts the worst) or some of the primary years of your own life (again heart wrenching feeling!!!) YOU CAN NOT GET THIS TIME WASTED ON PAIN AND ANGER BACK... its gone..FOREVER... all you can do is change, you deicide when, where, how, you decide for yourself that you want more because you deserve more, and then  everything else is pretty simple! I still get frustrated at times, I still get upset and take things personal that I know I shouldn't, but I have simple tools that when I decide I can pull myself right back in. I have never been so happy, sure I look back on the TEN years that are gone, say "WOW! that sucks, I deserve more, I deserve to be happy, I AM DESTINE FOR GREATNESS, I WILL ALLOW MYSELF TO BE GREAT." and those ten years turns into lessons learned, they turn into motivation because I never want to be in that position EVER again. And once you start to change, your energy will change as well, and everyone around you shifts into a much happier place, because they simply don't have a choice, YOU WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO AFFECT YOU HAPPY ENERGY! TIME you can not get back, but you always have a choice to change for your future. There will always be challenging people, ALWAYS, but you decide how you let them affect you, don't ! don't let them take your time away... just remember, once it's gone ..ITS GONE.

ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE GREAT.. decide your time is yours! and only you will decide your destiny!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Its ok to ask for help!

I have been independent since I was two! and it became a huge part of my ego, not to ask for help. For a number of reasons, I needed to prove I could do it, I didn't want to seem like a failure or weak, or because it seemed like no one was around to help me anyway. This entire time, without realizing it, I had created this belief all by myself. This was a choice that I had made as a young teenager, and it only hurt me as time went on. I could of very easily looked to someone, (anyone) and said I think I need help, I know I need help, Can you help me please? I was young and reckless and everyone makes mistakes, but keep in mind we still need to take responsibilities for those mistakes, wether we feel one way or another because it was us, that ultimately chose it. If I had asked for help a long time ago, my life would probably be tremendously different, but I still wouldn't have the life-knowledge I got on my own. Now, I hold myself more responsible then ever! I am still learning, how and when to ask for help, so its a never ending road...which IS NOT A BAD THING. Everyone needs help, and thats okay! Wouldn't it be better to do it right the first time instead of again and again and again the wrong way and maybe on the 50th time you finally get it right?? It doesn't make us any less capable in-fact it means the complete opposite! If we allow ourselves to be great, we won't stop at anything!! If you need help then it means, you have noticed you just want more for yourself, because you want it done the best way possible, instead of taking on more then you can handle! It took me 23 years to finally muster up the courage and ask for help, and only because rock bottom was lonely, cold, dark and depressing, and I was tired of living like that. I knew that I was destined for greatness,I just didn't know how to allow myself to be great. The moment I asked for help, was the moment that changed my life! I have continued to ask for help, and it feels great, to know I have support when and if I need it. I am now able to turn around and help others now, Life has never felt sooo great! Your pride will always be there, but you only get one shot at life!

"Every moment your happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

Friday, July 15, 2011

The most beautiful accessory aside from your smile, is your CONFIDENCE

ALL my blogs are going to resort back to CHOICE, so please keep that in mind through my bogs and maybe :) i'll be able to paint the biggest picture for you. In the meantime, today I'm going to talk about confidence. I personally never realized how important it is to wear your confidence on your sleeve just as close to your heart. Wearing confidence can confuse a lot of people, depending on how you wear it. Most people think confidence, and instead of being humble, it comes across as arrogance, which isn't so pretty no matter what gender. Confidence is simple being comfortable with who you are, accepting yourself with all your flaws, and loving yourself for all your values. Before this course I had confidence in all the wrong ways, I thought i knew exactly who I was, and didn't care what anyone else thought. I was so tired of being judged, and taken advantage of that I turned into someone you didn't want to approach. I become such an angry person, because of all my pain. I quickly found, through avatar, that what I thought was confidence was the exact opposite, I became tough as a cop out! I CHOSE not to let anyone in, so no one could judge me. I hated the person I had become, I didn't want to approach myself. I started to realize that regardless of my flaws, I was the only one that could change them. And, I decided to do exactly that. I decided to let down my walls and for the first time, let people see the real me, and all my different colors. What I found was my smile, and my happy, two things I felt got ripped away from me, but realized that I did it myself. once, I took responsibility for who i've became, it was easy to go okay that sucks so lets change this, and maybe a little bit of that. Shortly after I altered myself, I also discovered a new found confidence. I know that there are things, that I need to improve on, but the first step was admitting, second step would be put it into action. I decided that if anyone else was going to have confidence in me, I needed to have confidence in myself. And when I realized all the excuses I gave myself for not having self-confidence, I started to laugh. It became apparent that i had truly become my own worst enemy. Everything that I allowed to hold me back was so comical and silly. Why not just decide to change them, I wasn't happy, and I knew deep down it really wasn't me. Just like that my confidence sky rocketed, I can do anything I want to. As my confidence increased, others around felt the change and became a chain reaction. Now I wear my confidence in my eyes, and my happiness in my smile,before I knew it everyone else around me was too. "EVERY MOMENT YOUR HAPPY IS A GIFT TO THE REST OF THE WORLD" -- Harry Palmer

Thursday, July 14, 2011


This morning I woke up with a bunch of different emotions but most, were sad, unsure, they just weren't happy. I stayed quiet and started to listen to my mind take over the initial feeling that started all this madness. I started to over think my emotion, and I couldn't figure it out because it was just one big mess!! So I did an exercise call a "FEEL IT" where you take an animate or inanimate object (so either a still or alive object) and I took in all its detail, looked at the space it took up, and I put all my energy in that object and tried to feel what it felt. now most of you are going " oh okay, crazy!" I thought it was crazy at first as well however, crazy or not it works. So, once I put all my energy in it, and I felt how it felt all the craziness in my head was gone ( this exercise will only take a few minutes maybe seconds to really feel that object, otherwise you start to think about the object more then just feel it!) . I could now start to feel what I was initially feeling, really feel it, not just think to myself, or over cloud my mind with thoughts. I realized how silly I was being, because I can DECIDE to change or CREATE whatever I want and however I want. Most of the time what happens is, we start to feel an emotion and instead of living through that emotion we cover it up with all these crazy, ridiculous thoughts and before you know it, you have just allowed your mind to control you! Thats when you give up your choice, and do things that you probably wouldn't do, because your full of these other emotions that don't even make sense. Emotions are powerful, crazy unbelievably powerful! and if we don't deal and allow ourselves to heal from the hurt and the painful emotions it gets ugly. Time is the one thing you can't erase! Everything else you can decide to change, If you take responsibility for the decisions you make. Now, when I say "take responsibility" I don't blame yourself for what others have done to you, don't try and justify the situation. What I mean is take responsibility for the way you handled it, for your reactions, and the decisions that you made following those emotions, series of events, or whatever it was. Do Not, I repeat Do NOT, take this lightly because it is difficult, especially when you've been so stuck in your ways for so long, however the end result, just taking responsibility will lift your heart. No matter what you have been through, no matter how rough, how ugly, how cruel, or injustice it was, you have the choice to take all your emotions from it feel in order to heal, and then choose to let go. You don't need to forget, I know I never will, but choose to let go, move forward, because you deserve more. In that moment you just took responsibility for your own emotions, your own decisions, not any one else's just yours. I never thought that I was going to be able to let go, EVER! But I knew I didn't want to be sad anymore, I had buried my feelings so deep, that I wasn't sure I was going to be able to find them. I was so comfortable just being in pain, and angry, I shut people out, pushed others away, but worst of all I resisted myself. All because I chose not to feel how I really felt, and I let my mind control my emotions, and my decisions. Years went by, close to a decade, A DECADE! Thats insane!!!! thats years gone, that I can't get make, but now because I took responsibility for my feelings and really felt them, let them go, I decided to create something waaaaay better for myself, because I deserve it. Just try the exercise "FEEL ITS" just sit in your room, or go somewhere private like the beach or something (ocean is a really really cool feeling, I found it very calming and peaceful) if you don't want others knowing what your doing, and if that doesn't work, when you get all wrapped up in your head, and your thoughts, write it all down exaggerate everything your feeling and when your done re-read it, you will find it's not as bad as it seems. Because you can choose differently!!!!! and "EVERY MOMENT YOU ARE HAPPY IS A GIFT TO THE REST OF THE WORLD"-- Harry Palmer

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Have you ever realized how often you make a choice? It can be a simple choice, or the same choice you make everyday, but everything you do is a choice, every time you react that is your choice. A lot of the time we react, because subconsciously we take it personal, when 99.9% of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with us. But when we do take it personally thats our choice, and we decide how we handle it. Wether or not you realize it, when we take it personal, and either get upset, angry, or really let it cut into us.. THATS OUR CHOICE. We decided to let it bring us down or make us upset. What people forget is that we also have the power to decide against it, see it for what it really is and decide not to let it get to us, not to take it personal, because ultimately IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US. Again, this would be a great time to turn around and smile instead of choose to get angry or upset. We create it all, we have the power to create whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, with whomever we want. Yes, some may call it magic, that just means you don't have faith in yourself, because remember you create it.. no one else. We limit ourselves without even knowing it, "I don't have the money, I don't have the time, I don't know if I can" forgetting that all those things can be created, we create money (not in a machine in your garage) but we have the ability to do whatever we set our mind to. Some of you maybe thinking, this chick is crazy if I could be making a million dollars I would be, okay.. well riddle me this.. what is stopping you?? I'll tell you.. YOU, YOU ARE STOPPING YOURSELF, EVERY TIME YOU RESIST OR DOUBT YOURSELF!! I thought I would never be able to get over my past, I thought I was going to be stuck in this painful, angry, depressing, rut forever. Forever is a really long time, and amazingly enough it took me 9 days in this brilliantly amazing course called Avatar to give me the tools, and materials to decide to let the past go, I don't even remember how it felt before because now all I feel is this happy incredible feeling. Which let me tell you is priceless, but again I created it, I wanted it to change, and I decided to let it go, and I deserve to be happy JUST BECAUSE. I decided not to be alone to let people in, and let me really shine out. The power of choice is incredible, life changing, and completely inspiring. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING YOU WANT, so why let anyone take that away from you.. especially yourself?because..."EVERY MOMENT YOU ARE HAPPY IS A GIFT TO THE REST OF THE WORLD"- Harry Palmer

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

power of a smile

HAVE YOU EVER REALIZED HOW POWERFUL A SMILE REALLY WAS? Today I'm going to teach you alllllll a trick! Did you know smiling is contagious? Think about it.... Even if your walking through a grocery store, and some happy weirdo smiles at you, you could find it funny and it just so happens that at that very moment you smile inside, which actually catches on to your face and because your in public someone catches you smiling and thinks the same thing now its become a chain reaction. OR It seems to happen most when I'm having a bad day, and someone can just look at me and know, so they automatically try and make me smile, and sometimes I fight the urge because I'm so mad and baaah!! I just don't want to smile, but wether it happens in front of them or right after, you know they intended and really tried which warms your heart, AND AGAIN AS A REACTION...YOU SMILE. It can change someone's whole day!! It allows you to forget about all the crap and toxics that WE OURSELVES, fill our head with, instead of listening to our heart which always wants to smile! Wether your having a bad day, or you can see someone else is, Just take two seconds which is waaay longer then it actually takes but smile! Smile because you have the ability to, Smile because you never know who its going to catch onto. Wouldn't it be cool to realize with just one smile you could of made someone's day, just by that small gesture..BUT THE BEST PART ABOUT A SMILE IS...(DRUMROLL PLEASE) It has no language!!!! You could be standing next to a complete stranger, speak two totally differently languages, watch the sun rise in two different directions, but a smile is UNIVERSAL how amazingly beautiful!!!
DID YOU KNOW takes more energy, effort and muscles to frown, and/or stress your face then it does to smile..TRUE STORY
SO.... Today just smile, even if you really don't want to just smile, and see if you feel just a tiny bit better. Remember no matter how bad it is.. It could always be worse :)
"Every moment we are HAPPY is a GIFT to the rest of the WORLD" -- Harry Palmer

Monday, July 11, 2011


If you haven't already figured it out, Love Peace and Compassion is the name of the game. These three words and their beautiful meanings have changed my entire life. The way I view life, the way I view myself and others, how much we take for granted, how many little things we miss each day, and how we forget the power of choice. As children we walk around with no worries, living freely, and enjoying the way world works all around us, but as we grow, we start to grow out of the "no worry state of mind". We often allow our thoughts to control our mind, how we feel, and in the end.. us in general. We forget that we DECIDE everything!!! Seriously, think about it, from what we eat, to what we wear, and these are just the simple things that goes unnoticed. Everything in life happens for a reason, and its our choice in how we handle what comes our way, what beliefs are based on that experience is entirely up to us, THATS POWERFUL! Learning not to take anything and everything personal is difficult, that may be your belief, but think about it like this.. have you ever had a bad day? have you ever been in a rush and bumped into someone or cut someone off on the road? now think to yourself... have you ever taken it personal when someone has taken their bad day out on you, bumped into you, or cut you off?? Instead of taking it personal and getting upset, think of the change you would experience if you had Compassion for that person, "wow, she must be having a bad day, I hope it all works out" or "oh boy! he must be in a rush, maybe it's important I hope everything is okay and he gets there safely". I was guilty of it, we all have been, but it takes seconds for you to choose how you react, and how you will let it affect you. You'd be so incredibly surprised in how you will feel a shift of energy, and peacefulness in yourself.