Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Your voice is the only one you need to pay attention too!

Believing in yourself, sometimes feels like its easier said then done. When you get to a point that it becomes easier said then done, pick up the phone and call someone who inspires you, or email me. Or you can check out any of the websites, I've posted to the right. Most adults believe that's seeing is believing, and most children believe that believing is seeing, out of those two categories which people do you think are happier? CHILDREN .. right? Children don't let anything kill their beliefs, they let the imaginations run wild, one day they want to be a firefighter, the next day its an astronaut. The best part are limitations never come into the imagination, as we grow up other adults indoctrinate us with limitations and call them reality. What adults tend to forget is reality is what you want it to be. The meaning of reality is something that is real; fact. When it comes to your life, you are the creator you are in control, you create your own reality! Do you get it? Don't let anyone tell you what your reality should or shouldn't be? Did anyone tell Bill Gates or Donald Trump that it was impossible for them to become multi-billionaires? Maybe, and did anyone tell Michael Phelps that it was impossible for him to win not just one but eight gold medals in the olympics? Possibly, but did any of them let that change their belief of what they wanted and who they wanted to be? NO!!! So why should you? People can tell you, you can't all the time.. But it shouldn't matter what anyone else says, thinks, or believes. Remember it's what you want, its what you think, it's what you believe, and what you know that you are way more then capable of creating.

Motivated Frog
There once were two frogs, hopping down the riverside, without noticing they hopped right into a hole. Then came along three more frogs who noticed the two yelling for help. The two frogs started jump, and leaping trying so hard to get out. The frogs up above started yelling, "Give up!", "Your never going to make it out!". The two frogs kept jumping and jumping, they getting very tired, but they kept jumping. The frogs from above continued to shout, "Just roll over and croak!!", " Your never going to make it out!", "Just give up!!". So when of the frogs took in a deep breath rolled over and croaked, while the other frog just kept jumping and jumping  and after a few hours, he finally makes it out of the hole. As soon as he reaches the surface he collapse and try to catch his breath. The other frogs in astonishment ask, "Why did you keep jumping when we told you to give up?", the frog replies, "I'm sorry, I'm deaf!, I'm not sure what you are saying but I saw you try and yell great words of motivation and I didn't want to let you down! So thank you for being there!!".

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt.

Ask yourself:
How bad do I want it?
Why am I settling for anything short of Extraordinary?
Why am I putting limitations on my life?
What are my limitations?
Why do I believe more in my limitations then I do in my own self?
Why am I not living deliberately?
What makes me HAPPY?

These are just some of the basic questions that you must ask yourself, really make yourself think. You will be more surprised as to what you will find. I advised a friend of mine to write these down on paper and answer them, being able to physically see what's going on in your head will shift something all in itself.
I am always here to listen, talk, and help in anyway I can. Reaching out is the first step, it also might seem like the hardest but I like to compare it to an awesome work out plan. The first ten minutes always suck, but the harder you push yourself the more you sweat, the results are more then worth the pain, and you feel a billion times better then you did in those first ten minutes.

" Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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