Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today is a celebration

October 10, 2011 would have twenty-four years this world was blessed with one the most beautiful people I have ever met. His name was Billy, about ten months ago we lost him to a brain aneurism. And just like that, I lost one of my closest friends I could have ever asked for. This young man taught and gave me so much, he was such a joy to be around, no matter what mood you were in you couldn't help but smile while you were around him. I can remember countless times RUNNING from him, because I knew he wasn't going to allow me to stay upset. He was one of few people in my life who always stayed positive, who always pushed me for more, he was one who always wanted more for me in every aspect in my life. He was a light no matter where he was, he was an attraction all by himself. October 9, 2010 changed my life, I lost someone so close that it hurts every time I smile thinking of the good times. I was so angry and so hurt, and I had no where to put it, I didn't know how to deal with it at all. He meant everything to me, there was so much that didn't get said, and I fear that he would never know exactly how I felt. He was just gone, and there was nothing I could do, it took months for me to realize exactly what he gave me, and how important it was to take and cherish this gift. Billy taught me that, you can shine so brightly with just one smile, stress is 100% unnecessary and hurtful not just to yourself but those around you, that you should aim for the moon so at least you if you would, you would land among stars. Billy was such an inspiration, he enjoyed life because he could, he took full advantage of his gifts and applied himself because he wanted more for himself. He loved others just as much if not more then he loved himself. He was always willing to take the shirt of his back for someone, and would do so with such a smile, you couldn't help wonder what got you so upset in the first place. I took me a while to realize all the amazing lessons he has given me, it took awhile because I was hurt, and I had to figure it out on my own. I never understood how he had so much faith in me, what did he see that I couldn't ? Love, if Billy was known for anything it was his love. Whether it be for food, sports, friends, family, Billy was known for his amazing gift of love. If there was anything I could do to help carry on his gift I needed to understand how important, strong and crazy love really is. I wanted the world to know, I wanted Billy to know that I understand Love. It starts with yourself, and others feel the connection, and shift! Those who call this weird, only means that it scares them, because who are we to judge what is normal from bizarre? I mean what makes someone weird? Is it the lack of understand why they do what they do? So because you don't understand it makes that person weird? Doesn't it make you weird for judging someone you don't even know. We are scared of what we don't know so instead of exploring that feeling we put a label on it to justify our feeling. Billy loved who he was, and owned it every single day, he wouldn't allow anyone to break him down, because of their own insecurities. I miss him very much, and will continue to for the rest of my life. I will also learned to live with Billy, just because we loose someone doesn't mean their gone, it took me a while to understand that. But instead of looking at the bad, I get to celebrate this beautiful part of my life when I was blessed to have been a part of his life. No matter what the situation you can always choose how you're going to look at it, to make it positive or not. Everything holds meaning, and everything happens for a reason, it just might take you longer to figure it out, in that case don't get frustrated just take your time. You can always reach out whenever you need, and I am always here.
"every moment you are happy if a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer
Billy Hasan
I love you today as I have from the start, and I'll love you forever with all of my heart!! Taking you with me everywhere I go

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