Monday, October 3, 2011

Where is your faith?

Everyone has a different definition of the word Faith, so I took the liberty and looked the word up and found 4 great simple meanings for this heavy word.

The 4 meanings of Faith:
  1. confidence or trust in a person or thing
  2. belief that is not based on proof
  3. belief in anything, as a code of ethicsstandards of merit,etc.
  4. a system of religious belief
Can any of you find the common word in 3 out of these 4 meanings? BELIEF
SO my next question.. do you set up a belief because of something you have experienced? OR do you experience something because you already have a belief about it? Some of you are staring around the room saying "hmm, thats very interesting.. " and it's really making you think how you start to experience certain situations and how you set up your beliefs. Others are going the second one, no the first one, okay maybe a little bit of both.. I DON'T KNOW!! That's 100% okay because thinking is good for your soul, when you start to become aware of what your beliefs are based on you start to realize where you keep your faith. But here's the realization your looking for, can you say your faith is solely in you? Do you 100% know that you are capable of anything and everything you want, you decisions, your beliefs?? If you said yes to all of this, that awesome!! I really admire all that you are, however if you didn't I would like to acknowledge and appreciate you for being self aware. Now your next question, would you like to do something about it? GREEEEEEAAAAAAT :) and guess what you came to the right place!! You are now indulged with someone who has been down down down in her own dark hole, and have visited others, and is now committed to helping others out.  Today I'm in the mood to relate it to a short story, so sit back, relax, and I hope you enjoy!

1.) The Helpful Experienced Stranger
There once was a girl who walking down a road, she was feeling so down and fed up with everything in her life that the universe provided her with a deep, dark, black, hole. When the girl came across the dark hole. She felt comforted because no one would be able to bother her, it was so deep and dark she wouldn't be able to see the things that make her unhappy or hear her own negative thoughts or those around her. So she hopped in, and at first it peaceful, and so much better then everything else, but it soon got very dark and cold, and lonely. A priest was walking by and shined a light down, and she yelled "please help me!" and he replied, "I will pray for you!" and started to walk away. Then a doctor was walking by, and shined a light down, and she yelled "Please help me, I'm stuck and I'm hurt" the doctor asked her a few questions and replied " I will write you a prescription and toss it down, take it twice a day and I will check back with you  in 6 months for a refill!". Then a stranger came across the hole, looked down and yelled " is anyone down there?" The Girl yelled back "Yes! Me!! I'm stuck down here!! Please help me out!!!". So the stranger jumped in the hole, and the girl looked at the stranger and said "Why did you jump down? Now we're both stuck". The stranger turned to the young girl and said, " I was stuck down here just last week, let me show you how I got out". 
Lesson: No one can help you unless you want help. But there's always someone who has been there, and there is always someone who is wanting and willing to help.

Personally I became really comfortable in my hole, for years, actually is more like a decade to be correct. I decorated it, and made it really suitable. It took me awhile to realize that it was a hole, no matter what way I decorated it, or changed anything around .. it was still a hole. I decided one day that I didn't want to be in the hole anymore, that I wanted out and I was willing to do anything and everything to get out! I put my decorations down, and told my pride to back off! That was the same day I asked for help. What I didn't realize is that I had faith in myself all along, I just misplaced it. So you see, there is always someone wanting and more then willing to help, you just need to want it yourself; to have faith in yourself, love yourself. And, I'm not talking about an easy way out, because you can't just get over it, you can't go around it, you can't skip in between the only way, is through it. But you don't ever have to do it alone! You Choose, You Decide, and even more beautifully, You Create! Have faith in yourself, you are way more powerful then you give yourself credit for. Other may loose faith in you, but why is that more important then the faith you have in yourself. Others will come and go, some will leave footprints, some will leave pretty tattoos and be with you forever, but you... you will always be with you so have faith in you. Back you up, Love you, and reach out! You'd be surprised how many hands get offered back, you already have one with me :) Today's lesson is Faith! Have faith in you, and allow yourself to be great!
"Every moment you are happy is a gift to the rest of the world" Harry Palmer

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